Small F.8 Guard-Third Carriage
Bowaters Kit Built by PS
The Bowaters instructions where followed [click here to view], so I have set out the mods from them as I went along.
I found this, my first mdf kit, easy to build. I only made it hard for my self working out the upgrades and I am grateful for the help and advice given.
The chassis was constructed as per instructions, but the buffer beam had a slot cut so that the Accucraft chopper coupling could be inserted and screwed from behind, also the top of the coupling mounting plate was filed flush on the top to fit flush with the floor.
You will also note the cut out at the back of the steps for the bogie swing on a R2/3 curve.
The beading overlay supplied is good, however it is a bit “chunky” and dose not reach the bottom of the coach side, so using the markings on the body side new beading was made from 1.5mm x 1mm plasticard strip (4 packs of 10 strips for 1 coach), a comparison can be seen below.
... and in close up showing the door vents, which were cut out and 4 strips of pasticard, trimmed to fit and overlaid at an angle, I have since found out you can get “half round” strips for beading! I trimmed mine by hand roughly with a knife!
The main body was constructed as separate from the chassis to aid the roof construction, using a bit of right angle to ensure it stays square.
The running boards where sanded thinner on the outer edge and when glued in place, a “sag” was introduced to the middle of the boards to give that classic Small F look.
The roof was made using 2 sheets of 0.8mm ply glued together and glued to a sub frame, the sheets were steamed and held to keep them in an approximate curve for gluing, then, I cut a slot along the end of each compartment wall, so that one of the unused roof strips supplied can sit in it on each side. (The walls and the sides were then covered in masking tape so the roof can be removed after!). A roof rib was also placed at each end and glued on the top, the first roof sheet placed on top and held in place with clamps and clothes pegs.
The other ribs, either side of the central partition and the 1st and 5th, once this had dried the second sheet could be glued in place.
You will note on this photo the metal chassis fixtures made from plasticard and dress making pin heads and m6 nuts and bolts for the end of the truss rods on the buffer beam.
With the glue dry the roof is removed and shown up side down.
Thanks to PT of this parish for help with this bit.
The roof was then covered in a sheet of paper towel glued with a thin coat of pva, don’t worry about air bubbles and creases, as this add to the look when painted.
Painting followed by using Bowaters glazing kit, the drop lights were made from off cuts of the 0.8mm ply, some cut in half or thirds to make half open / closed windows, these were glued to thinner clear plastic sheet cut from packaging, canopy glue was used for this stage.
Hand rails were made from paper clips and hand rail knobs (and door handles Gauge 1 from Walsall model industries) you will also see that every other support for the running boards has been removed to improve the appearance.
Final detailing included a thin strip of ply down the centre of the roof for the lighting cables, which were also added 3 at each end, a spare Accucraft hand brake rodding was fitted along with some LGB vacuum pipes and safety chains.